Monday 21 February 2011


Sorry about my really rubbish posting last week. My parents were stuck in Gran Canaria both really ill, so I was trying to sort out everything here! Anyway everythings ok now.

Sam and I had a really good valentines day, I made Mexican!!

We had Nachos to start, then Enchiladas and then Chocolate Eclairs for pudding. It was so yum. After dinner we watched 'the worst place in the world to be gay' which was presented by Scott Mills, who we are HUUUGE fans of. It was really interesting but quite upsetting.

On Friday we went out for our 7 month anniversary/late valentines dinner at Giraffe. After that we went to Lloyds and won £5 playing the colour of money on a games machine!

At the weekend it was Sams uncles birthday so the children were round and we had great fun playing and dancing with them. And eating lots of Chinese food!!

I will try to post more this week, this is just a quick one before work!!!

Lottie xx

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