Wednesday, 17 August 2011

My friend Dan...

This time last year I had just got back from a few weeks of touring round north east America and south east Canada (New York, Boston, Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Cleveland, Chicago). I did this with a company called CONTIKI. I recomend anyone considering any form of traveling/holiday should check out Contiki - you book on to the tour and pretty much everything is sorted for you, from the hotels, some meals and the travel between cities (all this is included in the price). I am the most organised person in the world and the idea of 'proper' travelling and turning up in a country with no where to stay makes me feel ill! So yeah check out Contiki - my tour was North by North East if you were wondering.

 Canadian flag on the Thousand Island boat tour (somewhere between Quebec and Montreal.. and yes it is where the dressing is from!!!)

So back to the original point. Whilst on the tour my brother (who I was traveling with) and I met some absolutely amazing people. We formed a real close group of friends. 3 boys from England and 1 from Australia.

 This is the only picture I could find of all of us!
Ed, Dan, Stu, Big Canada Bear, Me, Ben, Matt

Recently us English folk decided to meet up for a Contiki Reunion. Unfortunatly our Aussie friend Dan couldn't make it... no surprises there! So as a tribute to Dan and show that we still love him we took a photo of him with us and he went everywhere. So here is some of Dans day out in London...

So thats Dans day out!


lillie said...

Ah this looks like so much fun! I'm meant to be going travelling next year so I will have to look in to that company! x

Lottie said...

definitely check them out. they make everything soooo easy for you!! x

roberto syrious said...

it looks like a super fun time!!
love it
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