Festival Fashion on clothing websites is slighting annoying me.
I love the clothes, I love the 'festival style' but since when is a maxi skirt and wedges appropriate to wear to a muddy, wet, sweaty music festival. Its fine if you're somewhere lovely like Coachella!!
Now I'm no festival expert. My first experience of a festival was at Reading last year. I don't know if anyone was there or remembers but the weather was HORRENDOUS!
Hello mud!!
So I have decided to do a post about my Festival Essentials before I go to Reading next week...
I will be taking these, my trusty unique hand painted wellies. I had very little notice about going to Reading last year and had such little time to prepare. I looked everywhere for a pair of nice fancy wellies but couldn't find any I liked. So I brought a bog standard green pair and painted them myself. These will 100% be coming to Reading with me this year as I did not take them off last year!
- You want to keep clean... you take baby wipes! I am not going to stand their in my bikini and tip a bottle of water over my head. I will just sit in my tent and keep clean with the ol' baby wipes! plus they leave you smelling pretty nice for a festival.
- Obviously a tent. Last year we took at £7.99 Tescos Value tent. I have learnt my lesson. During the 24 hour down poor on the first day my tent flooded. We had to take all our stuff back to my house to dry in the tumble dryer.. including sleeping bags! This year we opted for THIS tent. It has a seperate bedroom meaning wellies do not go in there and space for more than just Sam and I to sit if it rains. We are also taking a double airbed with built in pump (good planning by me there!) and a double sleeping bag.
- A small bag to keep your essentials in! I just ordered THIS one off of ASOS. In this bag I will cram... my small red camera (as in not a huuuge digital SLR one!), an old mobile phone (would die if I lost my iPhone), money (food, drink, souvineers) and a small pack of tissues and some anti bac hand gel (no joke I would die without these life savers for toilet trips!) I am hoping this will all fit...
I'll also be taking a wine box from France... best idea ever! You can't take bottles in.. so 4 bottles of wine in 1 sort or light box great plan! and I have plastic wine glasses.
Clothes wise I will be taking denim shorts, a couple of tshirts, a skirt, tights, leggings, a raincoat (!!!!!!), hoodies, tracksuit bottoms, underwear and as many pairs of socks that will fit!
Is anyone else going to a festival? What are your essentials? Who are you most looking forward to seeing?
Those wellies are fab! x
I'm off to Reading next week as well. So excited! It's my first time, so this is really useful. I'm lucky as I have a friend living there, so I'm crashing at her house, instead of going with a tent.
reading ahh! cool wellies, and snap with the names!
Thanks for your comments :)
I'm so excited about going and hope that Sherin and Lottie enjoy themselves at Reading!
Look out for me! come and say hi :)
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